Eleni-Ira Panourgia

PARVIS Paroles de villes

As part of my Teaching and Research Fellowship at Gustave Eiffel University (2019-2022), I have worked for the interdisciplinary research project PARoles de VIlleS (PARVIS) directed by Prof. Irène Langlet and funded by I-Site FUTURE. PARVIS project explores representations of the future city and futuristic urban imaginations in terms of climate change across literature, music, architecture, linguistics, cartography and urban planning. I have undertaken artistic research (recherche-création) on sonic fictions and speculative sound design methods within the activities of the PARVIS group CREA. Outputs include research seminars and workshops, journal articles (the article co-authored with Guillaume Dupetit 'Sonic Fictions: Shaping Collective Urban Imaginaries through Sound' received the The Arts in Society International Award for Excellence), conference presentations, sound pieces, an octophonic concert and live improvisations with poetry and music.